Are You a Refugee?

If you are a refugee and need help, welcome! We’ve helped hundreds of refugees settle in Utah County. Come join us.

We Offer:


We support pre-school, elementary, middle, high school, and college students! We work with schools around the county to ensure that you are successful. We also provide free English language classes.


We pay for the rent and deposits of refugees in our program. After you are employed, we pay 50% of your rent for six more months.


We work with employers and organizations in Utah County to help you find a job. Most refugees in our program are initially paid $10­ to $16 dollars an hour. We also help you prepare a resume, practice for interviews, apply for jobs, and get to job interviews.


We want to learn from you, your experiences, and your culture. And we want to teach you what we know, too! We have a great network of friends and neighbors who want to help you succeed and feel welcome.

Legal Assistance

We help you with the application process to become a legal, permanent resident of the United States.


Health Care

We work with healthcare providers to help insured and uninsured refugees receive free medical care. We also offer transportation, medical interpretation services. Our goal is to help you receive preventative medical care and become insured.

To apply for our program, please click on “Apply” and fill out the form. We’ll contact you as soon as possible.